
a little taste of what we get up to!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

First steps looming

The baby is 10 months old now. The little man has no teeth, but he wants to walk! He's been standing up without holding onto anything. And then he teeters, one step, two steps and ......... kadoof , lands on his bum.

Throughout this whole drama, the expression on his face is priceless. It completely lights up, eyes like stars on a very dark night. He gets all excited (looks as if he's going to burst). And after he's fallen down- that precious smile that lights up the whole face. Beautiful.

Daddy insists that if it weren't for his ears, his smile would have made a bow tie around his head!

Now I must admit that although I'm excited to have him walking, I'm also a bit sad. Once he walks he's no longer a little baby. :-( Why do they grow up so quickly?

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